What is the 出勤费用 (COA)?

的 cost of attendance (COA) is not the bill you get; it is the estimated amount you can expect to pay to attend the University of Mary each academic year. It includes both direct and indirect costs. Direct costs are the charges that appear on your student account, 而间接费用是指你作为学生将产生的费用,不由立博中文版收取. Detailed information regarding tuition and fees can be found in the 学费和费用 网站部分.

下一学年的出勤费预算在每年10月底/ 11月初更新和公布. 本网站更新了新的和当前的出勤费用信息. 请与 财政援助办事处 for historical information.


在计算预估学费时,学校既可以使用实际学费,也可以使用基于入学人数的加权平均值. 的 University of Mary uses actual, 传统和非传统本科课程的全日制学费. 研究生课程的全日制平均入学人数是基于项目推荐的入学人数.

主校区本科课程的学费为12-18学时统一收费. 主校区——注册12学分以下的本科生按学分计费. All other undergraduate programs are charged per credit hour. 研究生学费是特定项目的,可以按学分收费,也可以按统一收费. Detailed tuition information can be located in the 学费和费用 网站部分.

费用是基于与全日制(FT)入学相关的平均强制性费用和特定课程费用. Mandatory fees support costs associated with services, 活动, 设施, and infrastructure that support students outside the classroom. Course-specific fees are associated with enrollment in a specific course. 的y are directly related to the student’s participation in the course.

Traditional 本科专业 (在校园/在校外/With 父母)

  一年 学期
Traditional Undergraduate



护理学院 $21,126 $10,563

*Estimated based on full-time enrollment (12-18 credits).

*非全日制学费/杂费是根据注册情况按比例计算的, using 75% for three-quarter time, 中场休息50%, and 25% for less-than half-time.


  一年 学期
2日巴赫.加速护理 $20,000 $10,000

*Estimated based on full-time enrollment- flat rate cohort program.

*非全日制学费/杂费是根据注册情况按比例计算的, using 75% for three-quarter time, 中场休息50%, and 25% for less-than half-time

Non-Traditional 本科专业 (在校外/With 父母)

  一年 学期
RN转BSN/RRT转BSRT $9,680 $4,840
Non-Traditional (在线) Undergraduate $13,360 $6,680
LPN转BSN $17,026 $8,513

*Estimated based on full-time enrollment at 12 credits.

*非全日制学费/杂费是根据注册情况按比例计算的, using 75% for three-quarter time, 中场休息50%, and 25% for less than half-time.


  一年 学期

Doctor of Physical 治疗

$24,487 $12,243

Occupational 治疗 Doctorate

$24,327 $12,163

主 of Science in Occ. 治疗



*Estimated based on full-time enrollment at 15 credits.

非全日制学费/杂费按按比例计算,按77%计算,为三个季度(7-8学分), 66% for half-time (5-6 credits), and 33% for less-than half-time (1-4 credits).

  一年 学期

主 in Kinesiology / Clinical Exercise Physiology

$13,140 $6,570

主 of Science in Athletic Training

$17,010 $8,505

主 of Science in Respiratory 治疗



MSN to DNP: Nursing Leadership $13,790 $6,895
主 of Science in Nursing $10,370 $5,185
主 of Science in Respiratory 治疗 $13,410 $6,705
MSN / MBA双学位 $10,000 $5,000
主 in Speech Language Pathology $19,730 $9,865

*Estimated based on full-time enrollment at 9 credits.

*非全日制学费/杂费按全日制学费77%的比例计算(3 / 4课时(7-8学分)), 66% for half-time (5-6 credits), and 33% for less-than half-time (1-4 credits).

  一年 学期

BSN to DNP: 家庭 Nurse Practitioner

$17,690 $8,845

*Estimated based on full-time enrollment at 11 credits.

*非全日制学费/杂费按全日制学费77%的比例计算(3 / 4课时(7-8学分)), 66% for half-time (5-6 credits), and 33% for less-than half-time (1-4 credits).


  一年 学期

of Science in Bioethics

$13,336 $6,668

*Estimates based on full-time enrollment at 10 credits. Typical enrollment at 3/4-time (7 credits).

*非全日制学费/杂费按全日制学费77%的比例计算(3 / 4课时(7-8学分)), 66% for half-time (5-6 credits), and 33% for less-than half-time (1-4 credits)

  一年 学期

主 of Science in Counseling

$17,210 $8,605

*Estimated based on full-time enrollment at 12 credits.

*非全日制学费/杂费按全日制学费77%的比例计算(3 / 4课时(7-8学分)), 66% for half-time (5-6 credits), and 33% for less-than half-time (1-4 credits).

  一年 学期


$11,840 $5,920

教育学硕士 Teacher Leadership Academy

$10,038 $5,019


$15,230 $7,615


$11,970 $5,985

*Estimated based on full-time enrollment at 9 credits.

*非全日制学费/杂费按全日制学费77%的比例计算(3 / 4课时(7-8学分)), 66% for half-time (5-6 credits), and 33% for less-than half-time (1-4 credits).

  一年 学期

主 of Business Administration

$15,040 $7,520

主 of Organizational Leadership

$11,800 $5,900

主 of Arts in Philosophy / MBA Dual Degree 

$11,800 $5,900

*Estimated based on full-time enrollment at 9 credits

*非全日制学费/杂费按全日制学费77%的比例计算(3 / 4课时(7-8学分)), 66% for half-time (5-6 credits), and 33% for less-than half-time (1-4 credits).

  一年 学期

Doctor of Business Administration

$15,230 $7,615

*Estimates based on full-time enrollment at 9 credits. Typical enrollment at 1/2-time (6 credits)

*非全日制学费/杂费按全日制学费77%的比例计算(3 / 4课时(7-8学分)), 66% for half-time (5-6 credits), and 33% for less-than half-time (1-4 credits).

  一年 学期

主 of Arts in Apostolic Leadership

$12,950 $6,475

*Estimated based on full-time enrollment at 10 credits.

*非全日制学费/杂费按全日制学费77%的比例计算(3 / 4课时(7-8学分)), 66% for half-time (5-6 credits), and 33% for less-than half-time (1-4 credits).

  一年 学期

主 of Arts in Applied Catholic 的ology

$14,760 $7,380

*Estimated based on full-time enrollment at 9 credits.

*非全日制学费/杂费按全日制学费77%的比例计算(3 / 4课时(7-8学分)), 66% for half-time (5-6 credits), and 33% for less-than half-time (1-4 credits).

  一年 学期

主 of Arts in Music

$12,146 $6,073

*Estimates based on full-time Enrollment at 10 credits. Typical enrollment at 3/4-time (7 credits).

*非全日制学费/杂费按全日制学费77%的比例计算(3 / 4课时(7-8学分)), 66% for half-time (5-6 credits), and 33% for less-than half-time (1-4 credits).

Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment

的 University of Mary 财政援助办事处 researches student books, 供应, and material purchases from the University of Mary Bookstore. 财政援助办公室也进行两年一次的调查来获取这些信息.

  一年 学期
书籍/供应 (On/在校外)



*Estimates based on full-time enrollment

*非全日制书费按注册情况按比例计算, using 75% for three-quarter time, 中场休息50%, and 25% for less than half-time.

生活费用 (Food and 住房)

美国教育部要求各院校制定包括以下要素的生活费预算. Specific Mary campus housing and dining information can be found on our 住房 and 餐厅 webpage.

This includes on-campus residents and students living off-campus.

  • 校园居民, 立博中文版使用所有校园住房选择的计算加权成本,然后使用平均成本或中位数成本,以较高者为准.
  • For students residing off campus, 立博中文版使用大学理事会的生活费用预算来支付明尼阿波利斯-圣. Paul-Bloomington, MN region. 的se budgets are developed based on data from the most recent years’ Consumer Expenditure Survey (CES), produced by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

食物: 美国教育部要求高等教育机构制定食品预算,以确保津贴涵盖每日三餐.

  • 校园居民的食物津贴是根据所有无限刷卡用餐计划的计算平均费用计算的.
  • For off-campus residents, 食品津贴来自大学理事会的明尼阿波利斯-圣. Paul-Bloomington, MN region. 这些预算是根据最近几年的消费者开支调查的数据编制的。, produced by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  在校园 在校外 与父母同住




*Estimates based on academic year enrollment. An academic year is two semesters.

*Based on full-time enrollment.

*Note: Food/住房 costs are not pro-rated for 75% and 50%. 非全日制学生的食宿和杂费不包括在COA中.

杂项 Personal Expenses

杂项类别旨在为衣物等物品提供合理的津贴, 个人维护, 梳理, 和娱乐. 津贴的目的是使学生能过中等水平的生活. 为了达到这个数字, 立博中文版使用大学理事会的生活费用预算来支付明尼阿波利斯-圣. Paul-Bloomington, MN region. 这些预算是根据最近几年的消费者开支调查的数据编制的。, produced by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

  一年 学期
杂项 (On/在校外)



*Estimates based on full-time enrollment

*杂项费用的非全日制收费按注册情况按比例计算, using 75% for three-quarter time, 中场休息50%, and 25% for less-than half-time.


交通费包括在学生往返学校的交通费中. 这是一个合理的成本,用于汽油和汽车维护或任何一种公共交通工具用于往返校园. 立博中文版使用大学理事会的生活费用预算为明尼阿波利斯-圣. Paul-Bloomington, MN region. 这些预算是根据最近几年的消费者开支调查的数据编制的。, produced by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

  一年 学期

运输 (On/在校外)



*Estimates based on full-time enrollment.

*杂项费用的非全日制收费按注册情况按比例计算, using 75% for three-quarter time, 中场休息50%, and 25% for less than half-time.

Other Allowed Expenses (2023-2024)

立博中文版还为学生的个人出勤费用提供了几个可选的组成部分. 的se items are considered upon request.

  • 个人电脑学生可以要求一次性增加他们购买个人电脑的出勤费用,最高可达1美元,500 upon submission of a receipt of sale.
  • 受抚养人护理费用:如果有一名或多名受养人的学生需要将子女送人照顾上学,可增加就读津贴的费用,作为实际的受养人照顾费用. 学生可以通过提供费用证明文件来要求增加抚养费用, which can include invoices paid to a childcare provider.
  • Disability-Related Allowance:应要求, 学生可以通过提供残疾和相关费用的文件,要求增加与学生残疾有关的费用.
  • 留学费用: When students plan to study abroad, 立博中文版将增加出席费用,包括与出国留学经历相关的额外费用. Students can get this information from the Office of Global Studies.
  • Cost of First Professional Credential: For students entering a profession requiring professional licensure, such as nursing or education, 获得该领域第一个专业证书的一次性费用可以包括在出席费用中. This allowance is based on actual costs incurred. Students should contact the financial aid office regarding an adjustment.

How do I estimate my cost of attending Mary?

你参加的费用, 也称为净成本, 在从你的总学费中减去奖学金和助学金后,预算的剩余金额是多少.

我们的 净价计算器 提供就读立博中文版的费用估算. 的 University of Mary 财政援助办事处 是否愿意帮助您了解您的费用和可用的援助选择.

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